3D Smile Design

Celebrate Your Smile

During our new patient appointment, we take a 3D scan of your teeth and a few pictures in our studio. These are great record-keeping tools but they also allow us to create a 3D Smile Design. So if you were ever curious to see what your smile could look like we can show you without ever having to touch your teeth.

Smile Design to fill spaces between the teeth, create more masculine teeth, restore length, and improve function

Smile Design to recreate a patients younger smile, restore the teeth to full contour and function. The lines indicate ideal tooth proportions that we use to begin our design and then we customize the teeth to perfectly fit your smile and your face.

The Smile design is a complete 3D mockup all the way down to the specific anatomy and intricate texture

After Snap On Smile Design

3D Printed Smile

After designing your new smile for many cases we can 3D print that design let you try it on so you can see yourself and the mirror and even get a before and after photo. The new smile will just snap on and snap off.
