Restoring Teeth

Crowns are dental restorations that allow for complete coverage and restoration of damaged or weakened teeth. It is essentially a cap that is custom-made to fit over the entire visible portion of a tooth, extending down to the gum line.

We offer crowns made from:

  • Zirconia

  • Glass Ceramic

  • Feldspathic Porcelain

  • High Strength Printed and Milled Resins

We always choose the specific material that will work best for each individual case.

Each crown is custom-fitted and designed using a digital scanner and then made in the office with a state-of-the-art milling machine for same-day delivery.


Crownlays / Overlays

A crownlay or overlay is a more conservative version of a crown. This can be done when the damage to the tooth doesn’t extend to the gum line. This allows for less tooth removal and stronger final results. Crownlays are also easier to keep clean as they don’t extend below the gumline like most regular crowns do.


Onlays are an even more conservative approach to restoring teeth, when possible onlays allow for the restoration of half or even just a quarter of a tooth leaving all the healthy tooth structure in place. These are best when they are fractures or broken pieces only effecting one part of the tooth

Resin Composite “Tooth Colored” Fillings

Resin Fillings are great for restoring teeth with small cavities or fractures. Although they are small each one is carefully handcrafted to ensure proper fit and seal.